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Writer's pictureCromwell Witch

A New Venture

I’m no stranger to the Internet. I’ve had 1 cringe-worthy MySpace page, a meme-filled Tumblr, a spooky Instagram account, and more YouTube channels than I can count over the years. But in all that time I only ever had one blog. As a wee lass moving away from her home of the past 13 years, I started a blog to keep all my old friends up to date with my life in a new city. (Full disclosure I totally stole that from a Hillary Duff movie, because as a kid I pretty much was convinced I was Hillary Duff). Horrifyingly, that blog still probably exists somewhere in cyberspace. *shivers*

My passion in life has always been Halloween. Nothing on this planet makes me feel as safe, as comfortable, as understood as Halloween has. At the risk of being a sappy sentimentalist, Halloween has always been my saving grace. Over the years I have tried to find an outlet to feed my love of the holiday throughout the year. I started a Halloween tumblr, a Halloween jewelry store, did Halloween crafts throughout the year. But none of it was really enough until I made my Halloween Instagram and YouTube channel. Through these I was able to express myself in ways I couldn’t before and, more importantly, to an audience to actually understood. The world was filled with people as besotted with Halloween as I was and I never knew!

I have made the most amazing friends, gotten to work with incredible creators, and let my own passion for Halloween go wild. YouTube is my favorite way to communicate with people. If you’ve ever had the misfortune to meet me in real life you know I am an incorrigible talker. But with new and confusing guidelines coming down from YouTube, a video camera that would make a cryptid photographer blush, and a lack of time to edit videos in the way they deserve I find myself turning to that medium less and less.

Over the last several months I haven’t been putting out new videos and while I love editing and posting photos to Instagram, it’s not enough to sate the Halloween monster that lives inside me. So once again I turn to blogging as my saving grace in a turbulent personal time. I hope that this version of Spook-A-Rama is one that you will all enjoy and support as much as you did the YouTube channel. I promise not to be a stranger on videos. IGTV is such a great feature to keep all of my spooky witchery in one place. But for now I’m turning my focus to this website. Here I’ll be able to create the kind of content with the range that I have wanted to do for a long time. Fingers crossed this works out well!

Until next time,

Happy Trick or Treating!

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